Muddled Motherhood

A podcast about navigating the wild rollercoaster of motherhood with humor, honesty, and a healthy dose of sarcasm.

Ah, the glamorous world of motherhood, where every decision feels like a high-stakes game of Russian roulette, and the only certainty is uncertainty.

Should you have kids? Well, that's like asking if you want to voluntarily sign up for having your heart run around outside your body at the mercy of the world.

But hey, amidst the chaos and mess, there's also the unparalleled joy of seeing your child take their first steps or finding that you do indeed have superpowers as a woman. And let's not forget the endless barrage of unsolicited advice from well-meaning strangers who are convinced they know what's best for your uterus. Because clearly, they've got it all figured out.

So buckle up, mama, and join me on a mission to shatter stereotypes and dive deep into the unfiltered reality of motherhood.

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Follow me on this journey to create our collective motherhood.